
Grade R
Story sums
Story sums, problem solving sums and detective sums all refer to the same thing.  These sums are language based.  It is imperative that you start exploring, investigating and playing with these kinds of sums as early as possible.  Many children who find the written word a challenge, find story sums very tricky when they are required to read them. This is because they have to read the sum, internalise it, choose the operation necessary – addition, subtraction, multiplication or division -  and then calculate the answer to the sum.
By playing with these sums orally with your child from a young age, he or she will get used to hearing the language involved and become familiar with the expectations.  It is important to make these a part of your daily life and incorporate them into everyday activities.
·       Start at Pre-school level with simple age appropriate and relevant problems.  Mom gives Sarah and Anna 2 cupcakes each.  How many cupcakes do they have altogether?  The word altogether implies that you have to put numbers together, therefore it is an addition or plus sum.   
·       For example, Mom gives Jessica 3 sweets and she eats 1.  How many sweets does Jessica have left?  The word left implies that you have to take something away; it is therefore a minus, subtraction or take-away sum.  Talk your child through this.
·       Use concrete objects, so that your child can see exactly what is required.  Jared has 4 balloons.  2 popped.  How many are left?  Use actual balloons and physically take them away so that your child can see that they are no longer there and he/she can physically only see 2 left.
Preschool, Grade R, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7
Learning through play

Children learn and understand concepts and emotions better through play.  Playing is how they learn, it comes naturally to them.  Sometimes it might not look like much is happening, but playing develops their brains and allows children to use all their senses - hearing, seeing, tasting, touching,... Read the full article
Grade R, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6
It can be confusing to keep up with all that is needed for your child to develop and grow at school.
Here are some tips to help you to help your child: If you are unsure of the concepts yourself ask the teacher to show you – remember the teacher works with these concepts on a daily basis. If you are unsure of how to teach or... Read the full article
Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6
The Parent In this phase your role remains to teach, guide and assist your child in their educational, physical, emotional and social development. You should also still work with the teacher so that your child progresses confidently through school. It is advised to continue checking homework and assisting when necessary. If your child is battling... Read the full article
The Parent The first step as a parent is realising that your child is not an independent learner during Foundation Phase. This implies that your child needs to be taught and helped in their learning.
The second step is to realise that your role is to teach, guide and assist your child in their educational, physical, emotional and social... Read the full article
Grade R, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3
Memory training games There is no such thing as a bad memory. Just like any other muscle, your brain must be exercise and developed every day. Keep it in training! It will get used to repeated exercises and needs new challenges every now and again to improve and stay at its best.
From an early age, I started ‘training’ my... Read the full article
