
Preschool, Grade R
Black marker
Textured “bits” – sandpaper, beans, pasta, cotton balls, steel wool, pipe cleaners, felt/fabric pieces
  1. Use a black market to trace the outline of shapes or letters onto a page.
  2. Have your child decorate the shapes with the “textured bits,” using glue to secure the design. Let it dry.
  3. Have you child run his/her fingers of the letter/shape outline as you say the name of the shape/letter aloud.
Bonus: Have your child create a poster of “texture letters” that spell his/her name. 
Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7
John Bransby is a former principal and examiner and is currently a Maths and Science Educational consultant

Studying Maths and Science, and other subjects that involve calculations, require a slightly different approach to studying other subjects. Here are some tips for doing well in these subjects:

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