

Parent tips: Memory games

Memory training games

There is no such thing as a bad memory. Just like any other muscle, your brain must be exercise and developed every day. Keep it in training! It will get used to repeated exercises and needs new challenges every now and again to improve and stay at its best.
From an early age, I started ‘training’ my children’s memories. We would play all the memory games below. These are lots of fun and allow you to interact with your child and keep them busy on long car trips.


The first day of school

Getting ready for the first day of school

Your child’s first day of school is a big step. However, there are plenty of practical things that you can do to prepare them for their big day.

Practical tips

  • Tell your child what you enjoyed about your school days and talk positively about starting school.
  • Involve your child in choosing things they need for school such as school bags or stationery.
  • Make sure your child is familiar with the school building, for example where the office and toilets are.



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